Nylon-MXD6/PET Laminated Bottles and Nylon-MXD6/PET Blended Bottles

Table 11 shows the properties of Nylon-MXD6/PET laminated bottles, as compared with the properties of PET bottles. Table 12 shows the properties of Nylon-MXD6/PET blended bottles.

Table 11 Properties of Nylon-MXD6/PET Laminated Bottles
Property Unit Nylon-MXD6/PET
Laminated Bottles
PET Bottles
Weight g 39 39
Volume ml 600 600
Wall thickness μm 400 400
Nylon-MXD6 content wt% 10 0
Haze % 1.1 0.5
Oxygen Permeation rate * cc/bottle・day・0.21atm 0.0075 0.027

*at:23℃, 100%RH (Inside), 50%RH (Outside)

Table 12 Properties of Nylon-MXD6/PET Blended Bottles
Items Unit Nylon-MXD6 Content (weight%)
5 10
Weight g 39 39
Volume ml 600 600
Wall thickness μm 400 400
Haze % 14 33
Oxygen Permeation rate * cc/bottle・day・0.21atm 0.016 0.011

* at:23℃, 100%RH (Inside), 50%RH (Outside)

Fig. 10 shows the change in the concentration of Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) packed in Nylon-MXD6/PET laminated bottles. Fig. 11 shows the retention of carbon dioxide when Nylon-MXD6/PET laminated and single-layer bottles are filled with a carbonated drink.

Fig.10 Change in L-Ascorbic Acid Concentration in Nylon-MXD6/PET Laminated Bottles

Graph: Change in L-Ascorbic Acid Concentration in Nylon-MXD6/PET Laminated Bottles

Bottles: 1,500ml, 55g
Storage condition: 30℃, inside 100%RH, outside 65%RH

Fig.11 Change in Retention of Carbon Dioxide in Nylon-MXD6/PET Laminated Bottles

Graph: Change in Retention of Carbon Dioxide in Nylon-MXD6/PET Laminated Bottles

Bottle : 500ml, wall thickness 350μm
Storage condition : 20℃, inside 100%RH, outside 65%RH

Fig. 12 shows the relationship between the carbon dioxide transmission coefficient and the percentage of Nylon-MXD6 contained in the Nylon-MXD6/PET blended bottle, as plotted against the shelf life of a carbonated drink.

Fig.12 Nylon-MXD6 Content in Nylon-MXD6/PET Blended Bottles and the Relationship between the Carbon Dioxide Transmission Coefficient and the Shelf Life of a Carbonated Drink

Graph: Nylon-MXD6 Content in Nylon-MXD6/PET Blended Bottles and the Relationship between the Carbon Dioxide Transmission Coefficient and the Shelf Life of a Carbonated Drink

Capacity : 500ml
Measuring Conditions : 20℃, 60%RH
*Shelf life: 15% loss from initial CO2 gas volume

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