Message from the President

Masashi Fujii

Sustainability at Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Group

The Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Group will contribute to realizing a sustainable society by working to balance economic and social value based on its Mission of “creating value to share with society.”
In Grow UP 2026, our medium-term management plan that started in 2024, one of our objectives is to promote sustainability management. To this end, we are implementing strategies to accelerate initiatives for realizing carbon neutrality, enhance human capital management, and promote materiality management. Through these, we aim to achieve even higher goals as “an excellent company with uniqueness and presence built on chemistry.”

By “accelerate initiatives for realizing carbon neutrality,” we mean to act not only within the MGC Group, but to contribute to addressing the common global issue of climate change all around the world.
The Group has considerable strengths that set it apart from other companies in the form of unique technologies and expert human resources that are key to decarbonization. We will leverage them in a range of initiatives, including promotion of the circular carbon methanol concept in Japan and abroad, development of polycarbonate using CO2 as a raw material, and social implementation of CCS.
The Group will work as one to accelerate these initiatives with the aim of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.

To continue creating unique products with a distinctive presence in the market, the Group needs to further develop the abilities of its human resources. Our strategy of “enhancing human capital management” is the starting point for achieving this.
The Group is guided by the principles of an open corporate culture, an enterprising spirit based on entrepreneurialism, and a corporate culture of valuing people. Accordingly, we will promote human capital management with a view to leveraging diversity by utilizing the individual character of every employee and fostering a culture of mutual respect.

The strategy of “promoting materiality management” refers to having the discipline to steadily execute sustainability management. We have set non-financial KPIs associated with materiality issues, and we will implement a PDCA cycle to ensure that they will lead to an increase in corporate value.
Our stakeholders require that we ensure the quality and safety of our chemicals and products, and we will ensure this to fulfill our responsibility as a company that supplies highly safe and reliable products and services.
We will promote CSR procurement, recognizing that we have a corporate social responsibility to increase the level of our engagement on issues such as the environment, working conditions, and human rights throughout the entire supply chain.
We will enhance governance, internal controls, risk management, and compliance as the mechanisms by which a company applies discipline to steadily execute the strategies for realizing its business model and sustainably increase its corporate value.
The Group’s business activities are founded on its Safety Philosophy of “ensuring safety is the top priority of our business activities,” and we are committed to achieving zero accidents and zero occupational injuries.

Through these efforts the MGC Group continues to pursue sustainable management in order to earn the trust and support of all our stakeholders.

Masashi Fujii
President and Representative Directorbr
May 2024