Engineering Plastics Division

Engineering plastics are industrial plastics that have excellent mechanical strength and heat resistance. These resins, which were self-developed at this company, are used in all kinds of everyday items.
Some examples are,

  • Iupilon Polycarbonate Resin, which is indispensable to optical disks , Light Guiding Panels and LED (light emitting diode) Lightings etc.
  • Iupilon Sheet / Iupilon Film, used in flat panel displays
  • Iupital, used in mechanical components
  • Iupiace, used in OA equipment chassis
  • Reny, used in automotive components

MGC develops engineering plastics with its own original technology, and produces them in Japan, Thailand, Singapore, Korea, and China. Furthermore, we are aggressively pursuing market development for next generation products, such as a super engineering plastic polyamide-imide resin called AI Polymer.

Photo: the image of factory that belongs to Engineering Plastics Division


Inquiries about Iupilon sheets and films

Engineering Plastics Division Sheet/Film Sales & Marketing Department

Inquiries about Iupilon and Novarex PC resins

TEL:+81-3-6274-9000 FAX:+81-3-6274-9080

Inquiries about Iupital/Kepital acetal resins, Iupiace/Lemalloy moodified-PPE resins, Reny high performance polyamide resins

TEL:+81-3-6274-9200 FAX:+81-3-6263-9660