Sustainability Management
Message from Director in Charge of Sustainability
In our new medium-term management plan, Grow UP 2026—“Growing,” “Winning,” and “Sustainable,” we have stated two objectives: 1) strengthen the resiliency of our business portfolio, and 2) promote sustainability management. We have also clearly set out our aim of achieving even higher goals as “an excellent company with uniqueness and presence built on chemistry.”
Amid a shift from “balancing” social and economic value to “synchronizing” them, we aim to make our business portfolio more environmentally robust and more resilient. To this end, we will strengthen our foundation to support the MCG Group’s sustainable growth by pursuing our second objective: promote sustainability management.
We will implement three strategies for promoting sustainability management.
The first is to accelerate initiatives for realizing carbon neutrality.
We see the global demand for realizing carbon neutrality as a tailwind for the Group, providing opportunities to use our technological foundation to contribute to the sustainable development of society while driving the Group’s sustainable growth. The entire Group will work as one to follow our greenhouse gas emissions reduction roadmap for achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.
The second strategy is to enhance human capital management.
In an era characterized by uncertainty, we will work to enhance and increase the value of our human capital as a key measure for continuing to create businesses that can balance social and economic value and grow sustainably.
Our approach to management has been to view human resources as the most important capital for value creation. We will promote a human resource strategy of allowing diverse human resources to accumulate a wide variety of experience in order to sustainably produce key personnel who are able to cope with change and grow over the long term. People are the strength of the Group, and we therefore aim to help them to progress their personal development even further.
The third strategy is to promote materiality management.
The Group will promote materiality management, aiming to earn the trust and support of various stakeholders and increase its corporate value by helping to resolve issues for realizing a sustainable society through our business.
We will work strategically to increase our non-financial value by setting KPIs for each materiality issue and implementing a PDCA cycle.
The MGC Group will continue to aim to be an excellent company with uniqueness and presence built on chemistry, while constantly remaining aware of a long-term timeline.
We sincerely appreciate the continued support and guidance of our stakeholders.
Motoyasu Kitagawa
Director, Managing Executive Officer
In charge of Compliance,
responsible for Corporate Planning,
in charge of Internal Audit Division, CSR & IR Division
May 2024
Sustainability Promotion Principle
MGC instituted the Sustainability Promotion Principle to promote sustainability management on a Group-wide basis. MGC contributes to the realization of a sustainable society by acting sensibly in accord with the MGC Corporate Behavior Principles.
Sustainability Promotion Principle
The MGC Group contributes to realizing a harmonious and sustainable society that keeps growing, in accordance with its Mission of “Creating value to share with society.” The Group is deeply aware of its corporate responsibilities in the areas of the environment, society, and corporate governance and carries out its business activities in line with the MGC Corporate Behavior Principles.
Sustainability Promotion System
MGC promotes continuous improvement in sustainability management through a Company-wide PDCA cycle. Toward this end, MGC has established the Sustainability Promotion Council and Sustainability Promotion Committee. The former is composed of directors and chaired by the President. The latter, an advisory body to the Sustainability Promotion Council, comprises corporate sector heads. Its meetings are convened by the General Manager of the CSR & IR Division.
The Sustainability Promotion Council deliberates and makes decisions on fundamental matters pertaining to Sustainability management, such as future Sustainability promotion activities and identification of key issues (Materiality). It is also briefed on Sustainability initiatives’ implementation status, among other matters. Important matters to be deliberated at the Sustainability Promotion Council is resolved by the Board of Directors.
The Sustainability Promotion Committee promotes effective Sustainability promotion activities by monitoring the status of segmental Sustainability promotion activities and conducting periodic reviews. In addition, it establishes various Sustainability Promotion Expert Committees on an as-needed basis to address specific Sustainability requirements/priorities.
MGC has established a Sustainability Promotion Department within its CSR & IR Division to serve as the Sustainability Promotion Council and Sustainability Promotion Committee’s administrative office. The Sustainability Promotion Department’s responsibilities include management of internal non-financial information, formulation of sustainability-related policies and strategies, PDCA cycle promotion and materiality management. By stepping up efforts to organizationally contribute to the realization of a sustainable society through its operations, MGC aims to earn trust and goodwill from diverse stakeholders and grow its corporate value.