Business Performance Forecast

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Consolidated Results Forecasts

(Billions of yen)

  FY2023(results) FY2024 (previous forecast) as of May. 10, 2024 FY2024 (revised forecast) as of Aug. 7, 2024
Net sales 813.4 780.0 790.0
Operating profit 47.3 52.0 54.0
Ordinary profit 46.0 59.0 62.0
Profit attributable to
owners of parent
38.8 46.0 48.0

As for the full-year forecasts for consolidated operating results, the Group similarly expects net sales and each profit indicator to exceed previous forecasts as first-half earnings are likely to exceed the previous forecasts for the following reasons.

With regard to consolidated operating results forecasts for the first half of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025, the MGC Group expects net sales and each profit indicator to exceed previous forecasts, even though the depreciation of the yen is likely to inflate costs recorded by the domestic engineering plastics business, while recovery in demand for BT materials for IC plastic packaging remains somewhat slower than expected. The above projection is backed by robust sales of optical polymers as well as chemicals for use in semiconductor manufacturing for highly functional memory device applications. Other factors supporting this projection include improving sales prices influenced by the depreciation of the yen.

The above forecasts assume exchange rates of ¥150=$1 (a depreciation of \5 from the previous forecast) and \160=€1 (a depreciation of \5 from the previous forecast) for the remaining months of the fiscal year.

Forecast by Segment

(Billions of yen)

  FY2023(results) FY2024 (previous forecast) as of May. 10, 2024 FY2024 (revised forecast) as of Aug. 7, 2024
Net sales 813.4 780.0 790.0
Green Energy & Chemicals 412.8 326.1 329.7
Specialty Chemicals 409.2 436.1 446.9
Other and Adjustment (8.6) 17.7 13.3
Operating profit 47.3 52.0 54.0
Green Energy & Chemicals 17.7 11.7 12.4
Specialty Chemicals 33.0 44.2 45.3
Other and Adjustment (3.5) (4.0) (3.7)
Ordinary profit 46.0 59.0 62.0
Green Energy & Chemicals 10.1 19.9 20.1
Specialty Chemicals 38.6 43.3 45.6
Other and Adjustment (2.7) (4.3) (3.8)