Disclosure Policy
The below items are to be specified and observed in MGC’s disclosure policy so that MGC will remain conscious of conducting itself in a transparent, fair, and consistent manner with regards to its stakeholders, primarily the shareholders and investors, and promptly disclose information to them.
1. Criterion for Information Disclosure
MGC shall conduct information disclosure as specified in the Commercial Code, Financial Instrument and Exchange Law, and other relevant laws, and as per Securities Listing Regulation in the Tokyo Stock Exchange where the company’s stock is listed.
Undisclosed material information that concerns the operations, business or assets of MGC as well as significantly influencing investors’ investment decisions shall be defined as “material information.” MGC shall disclose such information in a fair manner.
Further, MGC shall proactively disclose information on company business activities judged to be important in addition to the information specified by Securities Listing Regulation.
2. Means of Information Disclosure
Any information specified by Securities Listing Regulation shall be disclosed through the Timely Disclosure Information Communication System (TDnet) provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Following disclosure, the same information will be provided to the mass media and published on the company website.
Furthermore, care shall be given to communicating information that is not specified by Securities Listing Regulation to shareholders and investors as accurately and fairly as possible via the website and mass media.
“Material information” shall be disclosed in a fair manner. If any “material information” is unintentionally disclosed, the information in question shall be announced immediately at the MGC website .
3. Future Outlook
MGC sometimes provides information regarding the company’s future prospects in the performance forecast in its condensed financial results statement, in the analyst meeting materials, and in the other materials issued by the company. The non-historic facts in these items have been estimated at MGC under a number of assumptions based on the information available at the time. As these future outlooks contain factors such as risks and uncertainties, please be aware that they may differ greatly from actual performance.
4. Silence Period
In order to prevent leakage of financial results information and ensure fairness, there shall be a silence period for financial results (including quarterly results) from the day following the final accounting day until the day the results are announced. MGC will withhold answers to any questions regarding financial results during this period. However, if it is discovered during the silence period that the financial results will differ greatly from performance forecasts, this information will be disclosed as per Securities Listing Regulation.
Furthermore, MGC will respond to questions regarding information that has already been disclosed, even during the silence period.
5. Disclosure of information to third parties, and performance forecasts made by third parties
At individual meetings with institutional investors, analysts and others, MGC will strive to engage in constructive dialog for increasing corporate value over the medium- to long-term. MGC shall refer only to limited information, such as information that has already been disclosed, public facts and information on the general business environment in order to prevent any “material information” from being disclosed to the specific third parties involved.
Furthermore, MGC shall not endorse any comments or performance forecasts made by third parties about MGC.