Stock Information

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Basic information about MGC’s stocks

Fiscal year period April 1 to March 31
Time of ordinary
general meeting of shareholders
Each year in June
Record dates General meeting of shareholders: March 31
Fiscal year-end dividend: March 31
Interim dividend: September 30
Number of shares per trading unit 100 shares
Shareholder registry administrator
(company managing special accounts)
Address of the above Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation, Securities Agency Division
1-4-5 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Postal code 100-8212
Enquiries Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation, Securities Agency Division
1-1 Nikkocho, Fuchushi, Tokyo, Japan
Telephone (toll free): 0120-232-711
Postal address
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation, Securities Agency Division
Shin-Tokyo Post Office, PO Box 29
Postal code 137-8081

Information for Shareholders

As of September 30, 2024

Total number of authorized shares 492,428,000
Number of outstanding shares 217,239,199
Number of shareholders 37,285
Listing Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
(Securities Code: 4182)

Major shareholders

(As of September 30, 2024)

Name of shareholder Number of shares held
(thousands shares)
Percentage to total
shares outstanding (%)

The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd.
(Trust Account)

27,582 13.7%
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) 20,031 10.0%
Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company 8,797 4.3%
Nippon Life Insurance Company 5,858 2.9%
The Norinchukin Bank 5,026 2.5%
JPMorgan Securities Japan Co., Ltd 4,858 2.4%
National Mutual Insurance 
Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives
3,235 1.6%
AGC Inc. 3,223 1.6%
The Bank of Yokohama, Ltd. 3,085 1.5%
  1. MGC holds 16,976 thousands shares of treasury shares, which is not included in the above list of major shareholders.
  2. Percentage to Total Shares Outstanding is calculated excluding treasury shares.

Composition of Shareholders

Composition by holding