Guidelines for Using This IR Website

Font Size

MGC endeavors to disclose information to shareholders and investors in a timely and appropriate manner, and maintains this website so that users can easily obtain relevant information using the various functions made available.

Changing the text size

Changing the text size in a browser (in the case of Microsoft Internet Explorer)

Screen: Changing the text size

* This function uses cookies and JavaScript. If Cookies and JavaScript are disabled in your browser settings, you will not be able to use this function.

Printing a webpage

You can open a window showing a printer-formatted version of the webpage by clicking on the printer icon situated in the upper right-hand side of the screen.

Screen: the printer icon
  • * The webpage printing function uses JavaScript, so the link to the printer window will not be available if your browser does not support JavaScript or if JavaScript has not been activated in your browser settings.
  • * The webpage printing function also uses Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), so the printer-formatted version of the webpage will not be displayed if your browser does not support CSS or if CSS has not been activated in your browser settings.

Searching within the website

Click the hand glass mark on the upper right of each page to show the search area. You can search for information by inputting keywords in the search area. Webpages containing the keywords will then be shown under Search Result.

Screen: searching area within the website

About the breadcrumbs trail

The breadcrumbs trail shows the hierarchal position of the currently displayed webpage within the website. It allows you to check the location of the current page or directly return to a higher level of the website.

screen: breadcrumbs trail

About the various icons displayed

New window icon

pict: new window icon Clicking on this icon will open a linked webpage in a new window.

Same category
link icon

pict: Link icon Clicking on this icon will link to contents in the same category (segmented by global navigation).
PDF icon pict: PDF icon Clicking on this icon will open a PDF file.
Zip icon pict: ZIP icon Clicking on this icon will open a Zip file.
Excel icon pict: EXCEL icon Clicking on this icon will open a Excel file.
WORD icon pict: WORD icon Clicking on this icon will open a WORD file.