Engagement in Dialogue with Shareholders, Investors, Etc.

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State of MGC’s engagement in dialogue with shareholders, investors, etc. (FY2022)

MGC engaged in the following dialogue, mainly with shareholders and institutional investors, with the Investor Relations Department of the CSR & IR Division acting as the principal section in charge and with the attendance of the President and Representative Director, the Directors and Managing Executive Officers responsible for the CSR & IR Division, the Basic Chemicals Business Sector, and the Specialty Chemicals Business Sector, etc.:

  • Financial results briefings (quarterly)
  • Regular response interviews with shareholders, institutional investors, analysts, etc. (approx. 160 times)
  • IR events for overseas institutional investors with the Representative Director mainly serving as the briefer (approx. 30 times)
  • ESG interviews and stewardship code interviews (11 times)
  • Business briefings, carbon neutral strategy briefings, etc.