Diversity and Inclusion

MGC promotes diversity and inclusion with the aim of creating a work environment where employees with diverse personalities respect one another, where all can play an active role and grow, and where a culture of vitality is established, leading to the generation of new innovations one after another through collaboration among diverse values.

Basic Policy on Promoting D&I

MGC defines D&I (diversity and inclusion) as "all employees fully using their individuality to play varied and active roles and respecting one another."

MGC's basic policy on promoting D&I is stated below. The aim is to create an invigorated corporate culture in which all employees participate actively based on acceptance of each other and being inspired by each other, and which gives rise to a wide variety of ideas and ways of thinking.

Basic Policy

  • Promoting awareness about respect for diverse values and ways of thinking
    We promote the development of employee awareness that ensures everyone accepts and respects the differences in each other's values, in the way they understand things, in the way they feel, and in their ways of thinking.
  • Creating an environment that ensures diverse work styles
    We are committed to promoting the development of a work environment that enables diverse and flexible work styles and to the realization of work-life balance, through "work style reform."
  • Diversification of human resources and the creation of an organization that optimizes the utilization of each and every human resource
    We promote organization development that makes optimal utilization of diversity by recruiting and appointing diverse personnel regardless of gender, age, nationality, disability, or educational background.
  • Development of human resources who can demonstrate individual strengths
    We promote human resource development that makes it possible for each employee to hone and demonstrate their capabilities and their individuality as professionals.
  • Promoting mental and physical health (promoting health management)
    Mental and physical health is more important than anything else. We are committed to promoting our employees' health maintenance and health enhancement.

(Established in January 2020)

D&I Promotion System

We established the Diversity Promotion Office in August 2019 to develop a corporate culture of respect for diversity that values differences and further promote MGC's management concept of creating a place where there is job satisfaction and a dynamic group in which motivations and abilities are respected.

* Reorganized into the Diversity and Inclusion Department in October 2021.

In addition, as part of the Sustainability Promotion Expert Committee, we have organized a company-wide "Diversity and Inclusion Promotion Expert Committee" to promote the planning of measures and activities for improvement for a variety of issues.

D&I Promotion System
Figure: D&I promotion system. The top of the system is CSR council.

D&I Promotion Action Plan

In order to ensure that the PDCA cycle is implemented to promote D&I, we have formulated an annual plan and are developing company-wide initiatives to achieve our goals.

FY 2022 D&I Promotion Action Plan and Initiative Results
Basic Policy Item Promoted Challenges and Targets Results of Key Initiatives in Fiscal 2022
about respect for
diverse values and
ways of thinking
Fostering awareness
  • Improvement of understanding of the promotion of diversity and inclusion (D&I) within the company
  • Implemented training on D&I promotion in new employee training, new manager training, etc.
  • Issued “WORK LIFE THINK,” an in-house quarterly, held D&I lectures, and took other measures
Raising awareness for human rights
  • Promotion of human rights awareness activities
  • Strengthening of measures to prevent harassment
  • Implemented human rights training in new employee training, new manager training and Human Rights Week
  • Implemented training on the prevention of harassment, anger management, and other topics at each business site
that ensures diverse
work styles
Work style reforms
  • Reduction of total working hours and improvement of productivity
  • Enhancement of systems enabling diverse and flexible work styles
  • Improvement of safety net
  • Continued initiatives to improve operational efficiency at each business site (listing tasks, utilization of digital technology, enhancement of equipment, etc.)
  • Reduced working hours through the use of flextime without core working hours and a telework system and took measures to increase productivity
Diversifying human
resources and
creation of an
organization that
optimizes utilization
of each and every
human resource
Women’s empowerment
  • Promotion of career development support for female employees
  • Promotion of support for balancing work and home life
  • Expanded training for female employees and training for supervisors (conducted leadership training for women, training for achieving a balance between childcare and career, and training on diversity management for managers)
  • Held social gatherings for female employees and identified issues relating to network-building by female employees and the creation of workplaces that facilitate work
  • Produced a leaflet explaining the childcare leave system and posted it on the top page of the company intranet to inform employees with the objective of encouraging male employees to take childcare leave
Diversification of human resources
  • Employment of foreign human resources
  • Diversification of hiring formats
  • Promoting more opportunities to people with disabilities
  • Held company information session especially for foreign students
  • Promoted career hiring and referral hiring
  • Promoted employment of people with disabilities, establishment of work environment and expansion of occupations for them at each business site
Developing human
resources able
to demonstrate
individual strengths
Organization development and human resource development*
  • “Visualization” of organization issues
  • Promotion of development of human resources able to exhibit their individual strengths
  • Conducted communication training, created free spaces, and took other measures to invigorate communications within the workplace at each business site
  • Conducted investigations for the introduction of a learning management system (LMS)
  • Expanded and enhanced training curriculums for each job function
Promoting mental
and physical health
(promoting health management)
Promotion of health
(improvement of nutrition, exercise and rest)
  • Improvement of health awareness and knowledge
  • Establishment of exercise habits
  • Conducted sports clinics (including Pilates, stretching, and core training clinics) and participated in walking events at each business site
  • Installed exercise equipment and created the OFFICE DE YASAI, a free-standing company cafeteria, in the basement space of the Head Office
Disease prevention
  • Enhancement of measures to address lifestyle diseases
  • Promotion of measures to address mental health
  • Consolidated smoking areas and established days when no smoking is permitted during working hours at each business site to promote smoking cessation
  • Conducted and streamed a seminar on good sleep

* Related to the two basic policies of “creating organizations” and “developing human resources”

Promoting More Active Roles for Women

In order to establish an employment environment where employees can fulfill their potential and in which it is easy to establish work-life harmony regardless of gender, and to moreover establish an environment in which women can serve in management roles, we are engaged in the implementation of measures to support the career advancement of female employees and the enhancement of systems to support the balance of work and home life.

In addition, as a result of actively encouraging male employees to take childcare leave with the aim of achieving gender equality and eliminating conventional perceptions of gender roles, the rate of taking childcare leave among male employees substantially increased from just 3.1% in fiscal 2019 to 51.1% in fiscal 2022.

Number of female employees and managers
Graph: the bar graphs show the number of female employees and managers by year.

* Numbers includes employees on outside assignment and part-time employees.

Percentage of male employees taking childcare leave
Graph: the line graph shows the Percentage of male employees taking childcare leave by year.

Employment of People with Disabilities

MGC also continues working to create a workplace environment that allows employees with various disabilities to fully demonstrate their capabilities. MGC's rate of employment for people with disabilities in fiscal 2022 was 2.51%, above the legally mandated rate of 2.3% .

Employment rate for people with disabilities(As of June 30 each year)
Graph: the line graph shows Employment rate for people with disabilities by year.

Employment of Foreign Human Resources

We encourage hiring of foreign employees to develop business and acquire new customers at overseas sites, promote improvements in work processes from diverse perspectives, and support R&D.

Employees and managers who are foreign nationals (non-consolidated)
Graph: the bar graphs show the number of Employees and managers who are foreign nationals by year.

* Includes employees on outside assignment