Corporate Information

Head Office

Mitsubishi Building
5-2, Marunouchi 2-chome Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo 100-8324

Founded January 15, 1918
Incorporated​ April 21, 1951
Capital ¥41.97 billion (as of end of March, 2024)
Fiscal Year Accounts closed in March
Number of employees 2,486 (non-consolidated)
7,918 (consolidated) (as of end of March, 2024)
Main Operations
  1. Manufacture and sale of the following products:
    • Organic and inorganic chemicals, petroleum-derived chemicals
    • Chemical fertilizers, agricultural chemicals, feeds, feed additives
    • Synthetic resins, synthetic rubber and other high-molecular polymers
    • Dyes, pigments, paints and adhesives
    • Pharmaceutical products, quasi-drugs, biochemical products, food and food additives
    • Detergents, bleaches, gas absorbers
    • Materials and elements used for civil engineering, construction, agriculture and fisheries, distribution industry and electric appliances and equipment
    • Ceramic products
    • Information device, component , apparatus
    • All other products related to the aforementioned materials and products
  2. Mining and sale of natural gas, petroleum and other minerals and offering consultations on related matters
  3. Development, sale and consultations related to geothermal energy and other forms of energy
  4. Design, manufacture, sale, operation, supervision and consulting of various machinery used in chemical industries and environmental preservation
  5. Research and development, sale, commissioned research and consulting related to various technologies relevant to chemical industries
  6. Conducting various tests and commissioned analyses and consultation related to environmental measurements and safety of chemical products
  7. Design, implementation, contracting and supervision of civil engineering work and various other construction assignments
  8. Sale, leasing, management and brokerage of real estate properties
  9. Shipping, freight transportation, warehouse operation and tourist operations
  10. All other business operations relevant to the aforementioned operations
Main Bank
  • MUFG Bank, Ltd.
  • Japan Bank for International Cooperation
  • Mizuho Bank, Ltd.
  • Development Bank of Japan Inc.
  • The Norinchukin Bank
  • The Bank of Yokohama, Ltd.